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FTOWN GIFTS "How To Plow Under Trees".
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Ftowngifts Tutorial: How To Plow Under Trees.

In this tutorial we're going to show you how to plow under trees. In the field on the video, you can tell there's a lot of trees. We want to be able to use the whole farm, so this is how we're going to do it. Lay down all your tree's down, and leave space to plow one single plow. Next we're going to click the wrench up top, and select hide trees. Now you'll see little red squares, but we want to see those. So what we're going to do is hit the play button, this is going to refresh our game. Once it reloads it's going to ask us if we want to unhide the tree's, if it does say this, say no. Now, You should have a completely clear area to work with(in our video you can see that we have already plowed some, but there's still a pretty decent size green space open.) You'll notice that in the areas where the trees are, you won't be able to plow. However, if you move down to the space you left open(we suggest leaving it at the bottom or in a corner) you'll see that you can plow there. So what you're going to do is lay down one plow, after you've laid down the plow simply clear it(deleting the plowed field). After you've done this, select your plow tool and you'll see that you can now plow under your trees. After you've finished plowing, you can click the wrench and select show Trees. You can refresh, and you'll see all your trees(with the plows underneath!). If you want to do this with the stacked or layered fields, you'll need to do the exact same thing, but instead you'll turn off the trees, reloading your farm then starting up on a new tab. And then you'll continue to do it as you do your stacked or layered fields.

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